
Open Call VIII Edition of the International Choreographic Showcase BETA PUBLICA.

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Open Call VIII Edition of the International Choreographic Showcase BETA PUBLICA.

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Open call for contemporary and experimental choreographers to be part of the BETA PUBLICA Showcase May 22nd and 23rd 2021 in Madrid (Spain)

When: 22nd May 2021 – 23rd May 2021

Where: Centro Cultural Paco Rabal, Calle de Felipe de Diego, Madrid, Spain


In the VIII EDITION of BETA PUBLICA and with more enthusiasm than ever given the situation in which we live, we continue to seek that the public, choreographers, dancers, cultural programmers, media, producers and other participants are – physically and virtually – present in the creative processes of the selected pieces giving rise to new reflections and bringing together points of view that contribute to enriching the creative process.

This VIII EDITION we continue to develop new features introduced in the last Edition:

* The Registration Process that we carry out from our own website and using our Instagram profile to facilitate the voting of the creative proposals preferred by our followers. The Registration Process is already open.

* The impulse to choreographic experimentation that is Pro.Beta , where we seek to give visibility to creative ideas that are very experimental and very early from a creative point of view. Something like staging what you dance while you shower !! .

With Pro.Beta we want to open a space so that you can bring your craziest ideas and concepts to the stage, therefore the BETA PUBLICA Association will select one or two pieces from those presented in Pro.Beta as part of the lineup of this VIII Edition. If you have an idea and want to have an opportunity to share it with the BETA PUBLICA audience, don’t miss the opportunity and show us what you are capable of by presenting your idea in Pro.Beta.

This year we can maintain the economic contributions to the selected creators and the travel aids, for those who are from outside Madrid, thanks, as in previous editions, to the Paco Rabal Cultural Center of the Community of Madrid and the Ministry of Culture of the Madrid’s community.

To see the rules and conditions of participation, please consult the Terms & Conditions at https://www.betapublica.org/bases-2021-english/

More details: https://www.betapublica.org/muestra-coreografica/

Application details
How to apply:

Visit our web page at www.betapublica.org and follow the instructions clicking the "Want to participate.." button!

Application close date: 16th April 2021

Participation fee: Free

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BETA PUBLICA  is the name of the preliminary versions of the Software Programs and Apps for mobile phones that software developers make available to the public to see what degree of acceptance they have, receive comments and be able to correct errors that are manifested with use. The field of the performing arts, and more specifically dance, is the one that has the most complications when reaching the public. All stimuli, sensations and thoughts are reduced to a single and temporary moment, when the reality is that this moment is only the end of a long and complex process and the beginning of the evolution of the piece. It is, therefore, necessary to create links with the viewer that go beyond the connection that can be created at the time of staging. Engaging the audience in this creative choreography journey can bring a much more complete view to audiences. Greater knowledge implies an increase in critical judgment and, therefore, the ability to appreciate quality and treat the result of this process as it deserves. BETA PUBLICA wants to promote the creative force around contemporary dance by increasing the audience's knowledge of the creative process. Every contribution counts and, for this reason, we propose a continuous meeting on and off-line where to create, provoke, connect, discover, test, experiment, share and support .

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